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The Palms

The Palms project was completed in 2006, consisting of an eight story condominium project with 300 units. Torque Down Piles were selected to mitigate noise and vibration, protecting the surrounding sensitive structures.

Project Conditions

Prior to construction, the site consisted of a vacant lot. The site encompasses almost an entire city block with a historical service garage was left in place at the southeast corner of the site. The project geotechnical report indicated that the site was underlain by fill, marine deposits and dense to very dense native sand with varying amounts of fines. The piles were designed to gain support in the dense to very dense sands below the marine deposit.

palms-test-resultsTest Pile Program

Prior to production pile installation, an indicator and test pile program were performed at the site. Two piles were tested in compression to loads between 850 and 1025 kips. The test pile program confirmed the capacity of the Torque Down 1275 piles were well above the project requirements.

Production Piles

800 production piles were installed at the project 50 feet in length. Piles were installed within excavated pile caps. As required, pile locations were pre-drilled through dense sands above the marine deposits in order to advance piles into the bearing layer. A pile load test confirmed predrilled piles meet or exceeded the required design capacity.

Posted on June 29th, by Jake Clayson in Featured Projects, Load Test Programs.
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