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Lateral Load Tests

Alvarado Middle School

Lateral Load tests performed on Torque Down® Piles (TDPs) indicate actual capacities exceed those typically used for design. Two projects are summarized below: Alvarado Middle School, Union City, California; and 7th Street and Richards Boulevard, Sacramento, California.

Alvarado Middle School

Pile installation was planned to take place during the school year; therefore, TDPs were selected to reduce the disturbance on the students. The site was generally underlain by medium dense to dense sand and soft to medium stiff clay.

Richards Blvd Test Results


Richards Boulevard

A test pile program was performed at the site for a future development. Available data indicate the site is generally underlain by about 50 feet of loose/soft sand/clay alluvial deposits.

Posted on July 12th, by Jake Clayson in Load Test Programs.
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